1. Replica Theremin 1930s Diamond Speaker

    Not my drawing, but Floyd’s

  2. Theremin Audio

    The replacement 171-A tube arrived. Video behind the cut.

  3. The Birth of an RCA AR-1264 Theremin Replica

    Anastasia Termen, conceived: Sometime in 1998, born: April 28, 2007

  4. Why Hasn’t Mike Been Posting?

    He’s been busy

    But worry not, he’s been documenting his daily life with photographs.

  5. RCA Theremin Replica Antenna Construction

    Image heavy process

  6. More Boring Theremin Construction Updates

    The tubes now fit. See how it happened.

  7. And here’s where I keep assorted lengths of wire.

    Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used.

  8. I’ll Wait for the Winter to Lie at My Door

    White stretches out before me

  9. RCA Radiola 60 Becomes RCA Theremin 1264

    Warning: image heavy

  10. Theremin!

    Lots of time in the woodshop