And here’s where I keep assorted lengths of wire.

Okay, so this will be totally boring and uninteresting. Let’s go!

So I must profess my love of the internet, and specifically Google. I needed another transformer that came with the Radiola 60 for the theremin (the theremin has 2 of the same, the radio only one). The part number is GW-42. I decided to google “gw-42 transformer,” and on the second page of results was a list of transformers from a store in Ohio called Playthings of Past run by a crotchety (old?) man (though now my hero!) named Gary. He last updated his list in March and he still had it. I got the transformer for $7.75! Awesome! Too Awesome! Plus I got some switches, cables, dials, and a plug from him too.

here’s the radio chassis since you last saw it on here.

First step was to get those 3 condensers out of there.

Then out came the wire and the coils.

Here’s the cable for the pilot light that’s connected to the power supply that I don’t need.

And now it’s gone; cut at the terminals.

There’s a wire that’s not there in the theremin’s power supply unit.

So I took it out.

The drawing on the right is the amazing work of Mark Mckeown who has helped me out on thereminworld.

The red wire from terminal 2 goes to the audio outs on the theremin. On the Radiola, it’s the 5th terminal green & red wire that goes to the audio outs.

And there is a wire that goes from terminal 6 (count from the left, you’ll see it) to the left resistor, grounding it. I still need to solder all these new connections down and also add a capacitor between the audio outputs.