Stars and Death Cab for Cutie at Marquee

Stars had a violin player with them on this tour making her the 7th member of the band. The songs sounded amazing with the violin.

Death Cab was good. They put on a good show. This was the 3rd time I have seen them.

Title and Registration

At the end of the encore, Death Cab brought Stars back on stage to sing the “So come on” part of Transatlanticism. It was fantastic. Look at Amy rocking out on the air guitar.

So after the show I waited for Stars to get them to sign my bag that I bought and tell them I saw them in Tucson. While waiting I got to tell their bus driver how to get onto the 202 from the venue. That felt good.

So after quite some time (one and a half hours) after the show Stars leave DCfC’s bus and go to their own. I get all the members to sign my bag and tell Torq a little story:

me: So, i made a mix cd that had Elevator Love Letter on it for this girl. And it worked! it got the girl!
Torq: Yes! [hi-fives me!!]
Amy: Yay! [hi-fives me!]
me: And I took her to that show in Tucson. And she loves you guys. But we broke up. So now the song is Y
Torq: Your Ex-Lover is Dead
me: Yeah. And I’ve never cried so much at a concert before. So, Thank you. Your music means so much to me.
Stars: Thanks/You’re welcome.
Torq: What’s your name?
me: [still kinda emotional] Mike
Torq: It’s nice to meet you. [shakes my hand]
me: Can I get a photo with you guys?
Stars: Sure.

So we set up the photo. Amy gets a woman on the bus to take the picture. As we’re doing this, the damn security lady comes up [keep in mind it’s near midnight, no one else is around, and i’ve been talking to the band for a few minutes now]

Bitch: if you’re not with the band or don’t have a wrist band, you will have to leave the property.
Stars: [in unison] He’s with us!

The Bitch leaves and we attempt the photo again but discover that the camera battery had just died. It was low, but I was hoping it would make it for a few more photos. The girl from the bus asked if any one had another camera, but no one did. So I’m so heartbroken, but Amy reassured me.

Amy: Don’t worry, we’ll take a picture with you the next time we see you.

So, I missed out on quite possibly the best photo op ever. All 7 of the members of Stars in great spirits and me. It was magical. I was so pissed.